Salsa: Level 2 Part 2
Variations of the Connection
“Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.”
Welcome to Salsa Secrets Dance Academy, Salsa Level 2. We are honored to have you with us. Included in your class is 3 Video Lessons and 3 bonus Audio Tracks. Please feel free to contact us with any questions at:
Level 2 Salsa
In Level 1, we develop the foundational concepts of salsa dancing and hopefully you’ve developed a sense of confidence with the basic cable. For leaders, that means providing clear messages and being in the driver’s seat of your creation. For followers, it means receiving the dance and responding with ease and presence. Level 2 builds upon the foundation and gives you an opportunity to increase you skill repertoire while building new foundational components that will serve the current curriculum and what lies ahead.
How to Work with the Lessons
The lessons progress from one movement to another. It is recommended that you pause the video lessons and work with each component individually for a period of time, until it feels comfortable and then move onto the next component. We've included some practice audio tracks of music at an appropriate learning tempo for you to spend time with. There is no need to rush. Practice is the key to expanding your dance repertoire and your muscle memory for the movement patterns.
The Variety & The Fancy
Up to this point, we have worked with a basic structure of movement patterns and choreography. Now, it’s time to spice things up by changing up the connections and learning the ways to lead and follow basic cable with different connections. Adding these connections not only makes your dance a little fancier, but also prepares you for more advanced movements that require use of these connections that we’ll dive into later in Level 2, Level 3, and Beyond.
Video Lessons
Video 1 - Fancy: Cross Connections
Right to Right Connection (Left to Left Under)
Cross Body Lead
Lead between 3 and 5
Equal distribution of invitation between both hands
Right Turn
Smiley Wave
Equal distribution between both hands
Leaders, lift from the elbows then the hands follow
After the Right Turn Left to Left is on top from the outside in, fix the connection on 1, 2, 3
Right Turn into Hesitation Left
Left to Left Connection (Right to Right Under)
Cross Body Lead
Lead between 3 and 5
Equal distribution of invitation between both hands
Hesitation Left
Lead between 3 and 5
Equal distribution of the invitation and resolution between both hands
After the Hesitation Left, Right to Right is on top from the outside in, fix the connection on 1, 2, 3
Hesitation Left into Right Turn
U Turn Lead, Hesitation Left transitions smoothly to Right Turn
Don’t drop the hands too low
Inside Turn
Left Elbow up
Equal distribution of invitation, raise both up for the halo resolution
Cross Connection Salsa Secrets
Leader presents the connection, Follower fills in the connection
Hook to Hook connection with tension (NOT FORCE)
Remember, leaders, to drop the hands to the abdomen level between movements
Whenever you complete a rotation with cross connections, the connection flips over after the rotation is complete
Right to Right on top - Right Turn
Left to Left on top - Hesitation Left, Inside Turn possible
Start with Right to Right (left to left under) Right Turn, Cross Body Lead, Hesitation Left, Cross Body Lead
Start with Right to Right (left to left under) Right Turn, Hesitation Left, Cross Body Lead
Start with Left to Left (right to right under) Hesitation Left, Right Turn, Cross Body Lead
Start with Right to Right (left to left under) Right Turn, Inside Turn
Start with Left to Left (right to right under) Hesitation Left, Right Turn, Inside Turn
Start with Left to Left (right to right under) Inside Turn, Right Turn, Cross Body Lead, Hesitation Left
Video 2 - Right to Right Connection
Right to Right Connection
Cross Body Lead
Lead between 3 and 5
Invite the hand straight forward
Right Turn
Smiley Face: Swing out on 1, in on 2, up on 3
Halo toward the Right on 5
Inside Turn
Lead between 3 and 5 to shift the weight and create momentum
Bring the hand out at waist level, guide the turn to the inside, then climb the hand up for the halo
Followers, stay inside the box with the inside turn
Followers, feel free to place a hand on his shoulder on 3 when he opens up for the inside turn
Outside Turn
Raise the elbow and the hand up on 3 with your palm facing away from you
Your hand will act like a paddle guiding her toward the Outside Turn
Followers, maintain the hook with your hand and shift your weight on 5, before pivoting
Leaders, bring the connection only as high as necessary to clear the follower’s head so that there’s no confusion which way you want the follower to go
Inside Turn Neck Wrap Into Outside Turn
Keep the Right to Right at the level of the shoulder line
The connection should feel like a scarf
Leaders, the length of the connection shrinks, which means the travel needs to be greater during the inside turn
Unwind the wrap to the outside for Outside Turn
Leaders Footwork: CBL, CBL
Followers Footwork: Inside Turn, Outside Turn
Right to Right Connection Salsa Secrets
Leaders Styling: Left hand on hip or behind lower back when not in use
Followers Styling: Left hand create half of the shield at the waist height during the right turn
Both, we want you to look your best: Stand up straight!
Leaders, the connection from the outside in is a perfect starting point for your own hesitation left
Connections are guidance, not support for one’s weight or balance
Right to Right: CBL, Right Turn
Right to Right: Inside Turn, Hesitation Left for Leaders
Right to Right: Outside Turn, Right Turn Leaders
Right to Right: Outside into Inside, Hesitation Left for Leaders
Right to Right: Inside Turn with Neck Wrap into Outside Turn
Practice Tracks - 114 bpm
All Composition & Arrangement by: Piotr Kowalczyk