I wanted to surprise my wife for her birthday. I searched online and found Salsa Secrets Online Academy. I had no desire to dance in front of others, so this was a perfect way for me to give my wife a great gift without compromising myself. We are pleased with the quality of the instruction and I can keep up with the pace of learning. We are having fun dancing in our own home.

- Charlie King

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We’ve danced with Krystal and Piotr in person for several years, but our recent status has changed and we can’t attend local classes. We were so excited that they released Level 2 online as we began Level 2 in the fall, but weren't able to attend the whole series. Needless to say, we fell behind. Starting the Level 2 Complete program online has really helped us to both build our confidence and find a true understanding of the movements. We dance together a few times a week and really enjoy brining these lessons into that sacred time.

-Julia Anderson

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I've been dancing a lot in my life, but without any formal instruction. I usually went to latin clubs and could get by dancing, but at some point I realized that there was something different between myself and the ‘fancy dancers’. They seemed to have an understanding and flow that was far beyond my knowledge base. I travel a lot for work, so I drop in to take classes with Salsa Secrets in Portsmouth occasionally, but it wasn’t enough. In comes the online program, I jumped at the opportunity to have Piotrek and Krystal in my pocket teaching me wherever I was and on my schedule. I’ve completed the whole first level and find myself having so much more fun being in the dance when I go out. I’ve even found that I love learning the leader’s responsibilities (I never thought I’d say that)! The only program has really been a treat and I can’t wait for Level 2.

-Joanne Boucher

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I never thought I would be dancing salsa! My wife always wanted to try to dance together, we went to a few classes here and there, but I always struggled with my responsibilities and became immediately frustrated with myself. My wife seemed to really like the classes and I felt bad that I didn’t ever really want to go back. When I heard about Salsa Secret’s Online Program, I was a little skeptical at first, since I’d had such poor experiences in the past, however, I was pleasantly surprised. The quality of instruction by Piotrek and Krystal is great. I love going back through the videos over and over again to remind myself of the details of the movements. My wife and I have even gone out dancing to a social dance and for the first time, I felt confident in my abilities and we had a great time.

-Devin Parent

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