Online Salsa Level 1 Part 1
Have you always dreamed of dancing salsa?
Benefits of Salsa Secrets Level 1 Online
Learn the fundamental movement patterns needed for salsa dancing.
Learn about your body through the movement patterns.
Stimulate your mind and emotions.
Move your body in new ways which builds strength and coordination.
Dance for fun!
Become part of a community!
Learn in the PRIVACY of your own home on your schedule.
Level 1 Part 1 Features
Breaking down Salsa Fundamentals
Basic Step, Right Turn, Hesitation Left (solo, with partner and with lead)
Roles of leader and follower
Connection between partners
Timing, Count, Symmetry, Synchronicity & Flow of Salsa
Exercises to develop posture, abdominal engagement & turns
Tuning into feeling through the dance
Composition of Level 1 Part 1
3 Salsa Video Lessons - (120+ minutes of video)
Video 1 - Fundamentals of Salsa
Video 2 - Fundamentals of the Connection and Partnering in Salsa
Video 3 - Salsa Footwork & Duet Patterns
3 Bonus Audio Practice Tracks composed by Piotr Kowalczyk
About Piotrek & Krystal
Piotrek & Krystal have been teaching together live classes year round in Portsmouth NH and Newburyport MA for 5 years. They came together with a distinct desire for the dance to be a modality for self exploration, growth and healing. Piotrek and Krystal's students have raved for years about their unique and effective style of teaching. They combine the development of proper technique with the spirit of the dance. This way of teaching engages all parts of the body: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, which leads to dancing that is extremely rich.
"We love teaching level 1 classes as it is an opportunity for us to observe the curiosity and wonder of new students. The movement unfolds from simple walking patterns into dance right before our eyes! We continue to be fascinated by the dance and inspired by our students."
The depth you choose to explore with the dance is up to you, but the possibilities remain boundless.
I've been dancing at Salsa Secrets since the beginning of my Latin dance experience a few years ago. Piotrek and Krystal bring a unique perspective to Latin dance that transcends just learning the mechanics of the steps and the moves. Their passion and dedication to help make you not just a better dancer...but a more complete genuine and heartfelt. I have greatly benefitted from my many positive experiences dancing there. - George Turner
How long do I have to complete the course?
You will have lifetime access to the course. All of the materials are self paced, so you can delight yourself with each lesson by taking as much time as you desire.
What happens when I click 'Buy Now'?
You are prompted to create a login with your email address and password. You will then be asked to check out securely through Stripe. After that, you can access the class immediately. Log in anytime via the navigation bar at the top of our website,
Can I download the lessons?
Absolutely! All the video lessons and audio tracks are available to download right from the course homepage. You can download them at your leisure. We ask that you use the video lessons and audio only for personal use.
How much dance experience do I need to benefit from this course?
Level 1 Salsa is designed for the absolute beginner. We start from ground zero and progress forward with the curriculum. Because our workshop is self paced, you can take as much time with each section as you like.
Who should take this class?
Students who seek to learn with Piotrek and Krystal but do not live locally.
Students who live locally but have a schedule conflict with attending live classes.
Students who missed the first component of Level 1 classes locally, but wish to begin with us for the next 6 week session.
Students who wish to review the materials presented in Level 1 Salsa Class.
When will I be ready to go out social dancing?
Social dancing can be a really fantastic experience, but you must be open to the idea that when you dance, there will be many different levels of dancers. Dance isn't about how you rank compared to anyone else, its about how you feel within you! The only difference between you and an advanced dancer is more repetition. Salsa Secrets holds social dances the first Saturday of each month in Portsmouth, NH. All levels are welcomed!
What if I have questions or seek further instruction?
You can always email us if you have a question. Online private lessons are available at a rate of $125/hour and may be scheduled by emailing
I thought I was just signing up for Salsa to have some fun, meet some new friends, learn to dance and get some exercise that I enjoyed. Well, I get all of that AND MORE! What I didn't expect was that, your style of teaching also includes the brilliant art of being more awake. It's not just dance, its an opportunity to show up, full on! Heart open! Take off the mask and connect all of yourself to another. Be beautiful, present and in love with what's happening. This, I'm learning, is much more important than the dance steps. Seriously, one of the single greatest things I've ever done. Thank you for the light you bring to this world through dance. You are masters on many levels. I am so grateful. - Linda Leland